
Grey Cell Public Relations is a multi-competency communications advisory firm that assists clients in leveraging their corporate values and business philosophy to achieve industry leadership. Our strategic approach works to chisel and shape both brand image and corporate reputation. We develop thoroughly researched mediagenic initiatives that assist businesses to acquire and strategically reinforce positive mind share among stakeholders of choice and publics at large.

Delhi MCD 2017 – An election won & an election lost on communication strategy alone. 5 Important PR lessons to be learnt

Delhi MCD

The Delhi MCD results are out. The incumbent has swept the polls despite doing not such a great job (as per popular perception) in the last decade or so. And still, the average intelligent Delhiite has voted for them! That … Continue reading

The Tale of the Two Airlines – One won hearts, other lost face & billions

The airlines industry is cornering a lot of media and social media space in the last few days. The recently concluded Air India story and the ongoing United Airlines saga have become a study in contrasts in crisis communication and … Continue reading

How marketing to modern man in India is evolving?


The MAN has undergone a transformation. And how! The passive and apathetic existence of a 1980s MAN, inconspicuous to sundry marketers, has transformed to a very aware and involved MAN in 2016, a hot target for marketers. Circa 1980: An … Continue reading